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A Meeting with Nicola Liddiard

After a few weeks on the course, I still felt a lack of inspiration for my major project. I knew what my goals were for the project, but I was struggling to come up with an actual idea. A tutor who had helped me through my undergraduate degree with my design projects, Nicola Liddiard, also did a Design MA at the university so I organised a meeting to chat to her about my project.

I explained what I wanted to achieve from the project and mentioned that I had considered a project where I worked on several different briefs in the style of different graphic designers, but I was feeling unsure.

She told me that she felt it would be a good idea for me to look at some graphic designers work for inspiration, and I could potentially create responses to these artists. She also said that not everything I made necessarily had to go towards my final project, it could just act as an exercise for me to practise creativity and I could use this in my reflective journal. She gave me a list of some designers whose work she admired.

I also mentioned to her that Jim had suggested creating a biography, as I knew that she had created a book for her final project based on the process of her house getting built. She showed me the book again and talked me through some of the reasons she designed it the way she did, which was very insightful. I felt unsure about this idea as I wasn’t sure I knew how to make it work, and she suggested focussing on a singular element of my life to create a book on, potentially my creative journey. However, although this did help me understand a potential way to go about it, I didn’t feel like I was very drawn to the idea.


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