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A Thought on the Website

Today, I was considering how I would actually make my final project. I have obviously looked briefly at Shopify, and am currently using Wix for my reflective journal. However, my concern with these sites is that they are not particularly design-forward. They are largely template based, and I don't feel this will showcase my design skills strongly enough.

I also considered just making a mock-up prototype website that doesn't actually work using the Adobe suite, but I also feel that this isn't advance enough for this level. While I was catching up with one of my previous design tutors from undergrad, Nicola Liddiard, she reminded me of my graduation project from Media Production where I designed an app using Figma. I had a basic understanding of the software and it has been a year since I last used it, but Figma would allow me to showcase my design skills more easily, while also offering my the option to create a mock walk through of my site using navigation shortcuts that would present as an authentic website.

As mentioned, my skills are not great with this software and it has been a year since I last used it, however, if I take some time re-learning how to use it it would allow me the design aspects I need whilst also being advanced enough to present as a working website.


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