The first thing I wanted to do after I came up with this project idea was some visual research. I decided to create some mood boards in my portfolio as a visual representation of each of the colour characters, using examples of fictional characters in each that gave been said to fit the description.
I also annotated each mood board discussing general associations with the colours that could have led to them being perceived in a particular way, as well as discussing pop culture references that have also contributed to each colour’s description.
Although time consuming, I found this exercise extremely helpful to become familiar with my concept, and by the end of it I felt I had a strong understanding of how each colour corelates with a specific personality type.
I think the next stage for me will be to do some thorough research on the star signs and the MBTI personality types and attempt to group them with a corresponding colour. This will be useful as it will increase my psychological understanding of personality typology, which will be essential for creating this band.