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Lego Workshop

Updated: May 16, 2023

In this workshop, I learned a little bit more about my creative practice. We were given a box of Lego and asked to make something. I had a look in the box and found a blank, blue plane, which would be good for creating a landscape. There were a lot of blue and white pieces, which reminded me of ice and water, so I decided I would make a melting ice cap landscape.

We were then asked to draw our thought process. There was a mixture of approaches within the class; some people planned what they were going to build immediately, whereas others found an interesting piece to dictate what they were building. I think mine was a mixture of both approaches, I knew I was going to build a landscape, and I figured out what I was going to build based on the blues and whites. I think this reflects my creative practice, as I generally like to have a rough plan in place so that I have a starting point, but it can often change course naturally.

We then did a challenge where we were given a word and had to create it using as few pieces as possible. On my first attempt I created a fish using a lot of pieces, unable to see how I could have made with less. However, when I thought about it, I realised it was possible and that I had overcomplicated it.

My next word was a concept- friendship. I did a better job at simplifying it this time:

This made me think about how designers will often need to think about the ‘minimum viable product’ when working on projects. This is often used in app development; designers will have to think of the simplest design that will successfully execute its purpose and build on it from there, adding ‘desirable features’.

It also reminded me that design doesn’t have to be complex to make an impact, sometimes simplicity is a good thing.

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