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Making Some Prints

I started to design some prints to upload for each colour character based on the prints I found on Pinterest previously.

The first print I did was for the red character:

Although I like the style of it, I didn't really know what quote to put on the print so just went with 'I love you' but I don't think this is the sort of print people would buy. I found it hard to think of quotes in general that would apply to each of the colour characters, even though I had groups of them saved for each type. I think this is something I may use on my website but may not.

The next print I did was for the yellow character:

Again, although I like the style of it, I'm not sure if people would buy it. Also, although designed the vibe of the print to be for the yellow character, who is the most optimistic type, the background being green might throw users off. After I designed this print, I felt slightly stuck with this direction for my brand, and feel like I would benefit more from moving on with other things and revisiting this print idea later on.

I'm not sure overall how well these prints will go with the brand unless I make a huge amount of them, and I feel like this is slightly too ambitious given the time frame. I think if I were to continue with this brand idea following the course, I would be able to take some more time refining these prints, but for now I don't feel like they are relevant enough for what I want to achieve by the end of the MA.

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