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Planning Website: Home Page

Following the tutorial I watched, I started to plan my website. I started by listing all the elements I wanted on my home page.

I then did a sketch of how I wanted the home page to look:

Although I was mainly happy with my plan, I had a few concerns. I decided to call my brother, as he is a professional web designer to ask him some questions.

Firstly, for the hero section, I planned to write a section about what the colour character brand is, however I also had an about section. I didn't want to repeat any information so I was unsure whether to include an about page or not. I also considered putting the colour character information on that page, but then I wouldn't be able to display them on the home page. However, my brother told me an about section was a staple for any website so I needed that on there. He also said that it would be a good idea to include colour character descriptions on the main page, so I should maybe go into how I came up with the concept on the about page, or how I created it.

Also, regarding the colour character descriptions, i wasn't sure whether I wanted them be strips going across the page underneath my circle avatar vectors. Users would then scroll down to read them all. however, he said he felt this would make the home page far too long, as users don't want to scroll down too far on the home page. He suggested I go with the other idea I had, of creating pop-up cards explaining who each colour character was. This is something I've not done before, so it will require a little bit of research.

I also wasn't sure what I could put in my footer section initially, because the main thing I saw in a lot of templates was a copyright notice, but as it isn't a real website it doesn't have a copyright notice. He said I could put contact information on there, a site map, or maybe a newsletter link that users could sign up to. I think that this will probably be a last minute touch, as I still don't feel 100% sure what I will put there.

He also told me that it would be crucial to have a contact page, but I didn't want to add another page to the nav bar, as I liked the balance of the pages I already had. We decided I can put the contact part on the burger menu option, which would also allow users to sign in/ register.

Also, he suggested that I put the shop, wish list and bag on one side of the logo, and the about and burger menu on the other as this links what customers will be using the site for, but I said that I liked how the text and icons balance each other out. He agreed that it would be fine either way.

I am also starting to feel unsure on how I can create a quiz in Figma, and mentioned that I have been considering leaving that part out as a placeholder, as I am not a coder- just a designer. However, he said that this seems like a crucial part of my project, which I think is true. He told me that I should research how to create a personality quiz that has an embeddable code that I can just insert into the programme. I don't feel confident that this is something that will be possible, but I need to look into it.


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