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Writing My Character Bios

Although I had bullet points on each colour character, it was important to me that I write a more in-depth description of each colour character to explain who each character is. Using my illustrations, my mood boards, and my bullet points I eventually came up with a description I was happy with for each.

The green character is cunning, stubborn, sarcastic and sensitive. They don’t like everyone, but if they like you then you have a friend for life. Their sarcastic sense of humour can get them into trouble sometimes, but they are incredibly down to earth individuals. They are opinionated, sharp, and brutally honest. If the green character befriends you, you can count on them to have your back!

The orange character is witty, loving, bold and compassionate. With a quick-witted sense of humour, they are incredibly entertaining individuals. They are energetic and charismatic souls, with a rebellious streak that can often land them in trouble. Risk takers at core, they are not afraid to stand out. The orange character is sure to put a smile on your face and keep you laughing through life!

The blue character is compassionate, strong intelligent, and helpful. People with this personality type care deeply about helping others, have a strong sense of right or wrong, and are incredibly inspiring individuals- which makes them great leaders. As friends, they are devoted, thoughtful, and dependable. You can always count on the blue character to get you through a tough time!

The red character is brave, strong, passionate, and confident. People with this personality type are natural born leaders due to their strong-willed, authoritative, and direct nature. As friends, they can be brutally honest but will fiercely have your back, no matter what. They stick to their principles and lead by example. You can depend on the red character to get you through a crisis!

The purple character is mysterious, introverted, smart and creative. People with this personality type are incredibly open-minded, flexible thinkers. They have curious minds, free spirits and feel a deep connection with the world around them. They are fiercely independent, and can often need some alone time to recharge, but a conversation with the purple character is never a dull one!

The yellow character is kind, loyal, optimistic and funny. People with this personality type feel called to uplift others, which makes them great friends to have. They are known to shower loved ones with gestures of care and support due to their sensitive and empathetic nature. They can be quiet and reserved, but they have great people skills. If you have the yellow character for a friend, you are very lucky!

The pink character is kind, bubbly, loveable and sensitive. They tend to be social butterflies, radiating a positive and playful energy. Their sensitive nature makes them warm, caring friends, but can also cause them to read too much into others’ actions. They have a keen eye for fashion, but struggle with self discipline, so don’t be surprised if the pink character wants to take you shopping!

I wanted to write them in the classic style that personality tests do, making sure that it comes across as positive. I am actually really happy with how they turned out. I was worried that the characters wouldn't be different enough from each other, or they wouldn't come across as a fully developed personality type, but I think you do get a good sense of who each character is.

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